We began May 7th, 2020

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Everything I put out there has started to flow to me

Laura, Yoga Teacher & Mom-to-Be

I firmly believe that everything I put out there when practicing this meditation has started to flow to me. It's such a powerful process; when I practice in this way I am in-tune, bright, joyful, energised, and so in love with everything around me. It also helps me connect with the little one in my belly!

Meaningful and Easily Digestible

Jeff, Yoga Teacher & Ceremony Leader

I love Jambo's 8-Phase Meditation Style, and I practice it often. I find it very meaningful and rewarding to work with elevated emotions in this way. I love that the stages are easily digestible, and think it's a suitable practice for anyone!

I Finally Have A Consistent Practice

Kelly, Yoga Teacher & Consultant

Jambo's 8-Phase Meditation is the reason I have FINALLY created a consistent meditation practice for myself, after years of (sometimes, sort of) trying. I love that I can pack in so many amazing benefits in one meditation session. And by breaking the time into different phases, I am able to sit for so much longer than ever before!

P.S. I really hope you enjoy the collection of my life’s work as a practitioner of meditation

After 26 years experimenting with various traditions, including being brought up as a Buddhist and a Taoist, I have realised that the 8-Phases method easily synergises the richness of where I have come from with the blueprint of my deepest dreams and the awe of my present moment. I hope this practise does the same for you. -------Jambo