Jambo Brings you the Dragon Pearl Series

In these workshops, you will learn from an expert through the lens of Jambo's curiosity and quest for new learning

Create a Resilient Heart: An Introduction to Western Herbalism with Amber McMillan Braverman

I can feel in my bones that I am being called to show up in the world. Are you feeling that call?

  • We will explore the basics of western herbalism and learn simple ways you can incorporate herbs into your self-care practice

  • ‘Plants have stayed true to their purpose. They give freely and openly of their magic and medicine.’

  • We will work with the plants to help us support ourselves in showing up and stepping into the anti-racist work we need to do

  • Materials Needed: 15 grams or about one tablespoon of basil (any kind), a tea strainer or filter, access to boiling water, and a cup

  • This workshop will be live, and the recording will be yours to keep

Pricing (Member Discount Available)

Members with monthly subscriptions, find your discount code in "Practice Yoga Anywhere" Library. £8 for Members.

About Amber

From a young age, Amber always wanted to be with the trees. She found comfort in being amongst the world of wild plants and animals. Herbs and plant magic were her gateway into finding strength within herself. She began studying herbal medicine in earnest in 2016 with Robin Rose Bennett. She was initiated as a Green Witch in 2019 and continues to develop her understanding of Western Herbal medicine. Additionally, she is a Forrest Yoga Guardian in Training and a Yoga Nidra guide. She is passionate about education, self care, and connecting to the earth.

Find Other Workshops in the Dragon Pearls Series

Learn from experts through the lens of Jambo's curiosity