On-Demand Journey, Guided by Jambo

Learn compassion meditations & mantras with Jambo on your own schedule during our 28-day community container!! Here's what you get during the 28 days:

  • Learn and recite mantras to cultivate compassion in your life and the world around you

  • Jambo will provide an introduction to how to use a mala and the history of Quan Yin in different traditions

  • New recorded meditations and compassion practises each week--to be done on your own daily schedule

  • Bonus videos answering frequently asked questions

  • A pre-recorded 28-Day Journey to support your individual meditation and compassion practices (the lessons are yours to keep, so you can come back to the practice as many times as you choose)

  • Downloadable Meditations so you can take your practice with you anywhere

Cultivating Compassion with Quan Yin

Lifetime Access to this 28-Day Recharge

Enroll in the experience for 28 days

Want to try it out for 28 days?

Meet Your Teacher

Jambo Truong

As a multi-disciplinary practitioner, with experiences of East-Asian medicine styles and a fascination with orthopaedic diagnostics, expect to experience a balanced approach of science and magick with Jambo. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Jambo has been an apprentice to Senior Shaman, Esther Lim for 13 years and has engaged in Taoist ceremonial practices from a young age. Jambo adds his unique approach of kinesiology and spirit to enable further understanding of the biomechanics and somatic experiences within the practise of yoga. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Jambo's mission is to help others believe in their own personal gifts and he encourages the creation of a safe environment to explore and develop the ability to share those gifts. He believes in doing as many impossible things as possible and is a practitioner of dissolving useless and toxic concepts.